Yeah, yeah, yeah… we’re late on the collaboration news, but better late than never. Especially when their latest installation is ripe and ready for the summer picking.

I  was reconnected with why I fell head over heels with LeSportsac during fashion week in February. My old leather clutch that I used as a purse organizer was soon becoming too filled, and too bulky as I attempted to downsize. So, I searched and searched for what was new and hip, when I came upon this striped multicolored pouch. It’s sleek, cute, and most of all reliable. Sort of like Benefit Cosmetics…which happens to be our topic today.

This Accessories Saturday is about the second installation of the giggle me gorgeous!collection. Started in 1976 by twins Jean & Jane Ford, in San Francisco, Benefit Cosmetics has been the trailblazer of solving all our last minute beauty woes. Zit pop up over night? Covered. Late evening with the girls resulting in dark circles? Covered. Rosacea more inflamed than usual? Benefit has you covered. Which makes it no surprise that originator of casual, always there when you need it, easy to clean nylon bags.

Utilizing eye-catching designs, quirky quotes, and happy colors, this giggle me gorgeous!collection is not about discovering your personal style, as most accessories are today. It’s about incorporating a bit of vintage glam to the modern you. Unless your personal style is vintage glam, in which case you’ll just be adding a touch of flair.