When trying to achieve healthy and radiant skin, combating dryness is a straightforward but major challenge to overcome. Despite taking measures to ensure careful protection and sufficient skincare routines, there remain multiple internal and external influences that can cause stress on the epidermis, making it lose its moisture and become dry. No matter how diligently we take care of our skin, it still isn’t spared from environmental factors, aging, injuries, and even in-clinic procedures that can all contribute to skin dryness and roughness. Understanding these triggers can go a long way in helping to develop a skincare routine that can target hydration levels within the dermis.
Fortunately, stem cell technology has found a way to effectively solve problems like these, giving rise to extracellular molecules like exosomes and growth factors that assist in driving moisture through the skin. CALECIM® Professional is one such example of a brand that fully utilises the science behind stem cells and their repair functions and leverages its abilities against the negative impact of skin dryness.

The company’s approach to such technology has allowed them to present a breakthrough in skincare with their Restorative Hydration Cream, created using a potent formula that contains their patented ingredient – PTT-6®. It is the result of two decades of stem cell research and acts as the powerhouse ingredient behind the cream, consisting of exosomes, growth factors, and proteins that signal the skin to produce moisture at more optimal levels. PTT-6® is combined with the additional components of aloe vera, naturally sourced hyaluronic acid, glyceryl stearate (which forms a non-oily barrier for the skin), and tocopherol (Vitamin E that protects against chemicals caused by cellular damage), to make up the topical solution.
Dry skin, also known as xerosis, happens when the epidermis is unable to retain enough moisture. In cases where there is low humidity or the body has to sit through indoor heating, this can be accelerated when the proteins holding the epidermal cells together are loosened, thus allowing water to more easily escape the body. Water loss occurs and the skin barrier gets broken down because of it, resulting in flakiness in addition to the dryness. Applying topical solutions or serums that contain hyaluronic acid can counter this, as you are effectively replenishing the skin’s ability to hold onto water.
The reason hyaluronic acid works so well in supporting the body’s moisture production is because it is a naturally produced substance within the body that can hold onto a concentrated amount of water compounds. It is a polymer that is found in skin, connective tissue, eyes and joints, and is crucial in assisting to maintain hydration levels and keeping the skin plumped up. With CALECIM®’s stem cell skincare, the PTT-6® ingredient containing the trove of exosomes and growth factors will already naturally secrete the hyaluronic acid required to restore the skin’s moisture-retaining capacity. Results from in-vitro tests have shown an 83% increase in hyaluronic production using PTT-6® and skin fibroblasts, which boosts hydration within the skin and accelerates the cell cycle, visibly improving overall aesthetic conditions.
As mentioned before, dehydrated skin can be directly linked to environmental stressors, such as sun exposure, wind, cold, dry air, and pollution, and changes in humidity can leave the skin layers engaging in excess oil production and clogged pores. Exposure to these elements can lead to collagen and elastin breakdown, resulting in dried and premature aging skin. CALECIM®’s Restorative Hydration Cream, acts as a protective shield, rebuilding the essential lipids and oils within the dermis and helping to defend against further damage from those particular hazards.

Another determinant is the process of aging. As we grow older, our skin undergoes inevitable wear and tear, leading to a loss of oils and lipids that are normally crucial for moisture retention. The aging process also hampers the efficient shedding of dead skin cells, contributing to a rough and dry texture. Skin trauma from cuts, wounds, sunburn, or in-clinic treatments can also compromise the hydration levels and deter their functionality, leading to moisture loss, collagen breakdown, and undesirable effects like wrinkles and discoloration.
Similar to how it addresses the impact of environmental elements on the skin, the ingredients present in the Restorative Hydration Cream help to promote the skin cells’ natural healing and regeneration cycle, allowing for the shedding of old, dry cells, and encouraging the emergence of new ones. The active components work a double front to fight dehydration by penetrating deep into the skin while simultaneously patching up the skin barrier in order to slow down water loss.
CALECIM®’s Restorative Hydration Cream therefore remains the standout solution to combat xerosis and support the skin’s own moisture production. With its innovative blend of exosomes, growth factors, and hyaluronic acid derived from stem cells, the cream provides a revolutionary approach to adding water molecules back to the dermis layers. Designed to address the various factors that add to skin stress and dryness, the cream ultimately ensures optimal hydration and radiant, healthy-looking skin. Find out more here.