Over the last few days, I’ve noticed so many girl power type stories and videos of women essentially reclaiming control of their lives. Not because we were hidden in some cage under the floorboard of our sketchy neighbor’s house, but because things around us have felt the need to tell us how things are meant to be done. People who may or may not pay our bills, feed us, clothe us, provide us with the basics to live a marginally normal life, have convinced themselves it’s a right to project unwarranted advice. Then when that advice proves to be ineffective they want to say, “Did I make you do it,” like you had a choice in their pre-mapped life for you.
So to remind us that we need to take the reigns in our own destiny, here are some badass ladies, doing badass things like it’s an innate characteristic; and the occasional douchebaggery to remind us to gird our loins [Devil Wears Prada reference for those who didn’t get it].
Needed a good reason to see Erykah Badu perform in Detroit this coming August 12th (you shouldn’t but either way)? Madame Fat Belly Bella will be donating 5% of each ticket sale to the African American 490 – an initiative raising money to test the over 11,000 rape kits backlogged in Detroit. That’s right, over 11,000 rape kits are yet to be tested. Some states haven’t even finished COUNTING their backlog, let alone put in a place a reform to solve their issue. Only four places have processed their entire backlog – the state of Illinois, Los Angeles, California, New York City, New York and St. Louis, Missouri. I know. A lot of work needs to be done because collecting the evidence for a rape kit shouldn’t cost VICTIMS $1000 or more, and then processing the evidence shouldn’t cost such an exorbitant amount either.
Where does your city and state stand?
Rich Cohen of Vanity Fair profiled actress Margot Robbie in a manner so creepishly sexist, it was like you were staring at a man with his hands down his pants, licking his lips while watching clips of Sandy Cheeks from Sponge Bob on his cell phone, as he sits outside on a park bench. You’re looking around screaming, “Is no one seeing this?” as people bump into you, reprimanding you for blocking the path. Absolutely, ass backwards.
Cohen so beautifully [sarcasm if you couldn’t tell] begins with, “America is so far gone, we have to go to Australia to find the girl next door. In case you’ve missed it, her name is Margot Robbie.”
Let’s stop here for a second…. Excuse me drunk frat boy Cohen, are you saying that America is filled with women that resemble troglodytes? Robbie is by NO MEANS unattractive. She’s definitely a beauty, but to think we have no stunners on her level, or based on the societal scale, surpass her, where the fuck do you reside…. in a cave? Than to call her the girl next-door… dude, do you even know what that refers to? It’s an insult; hate to let you all know. It’s as insulting as being called “Plain Jane”. When someone says girl next door, I think frumpy, dowdy, only hang out with her when my friends are too busy, than straight ice her as she tries to greet me when friends do come over. Ugh, let’s continue.
“She is 26 and beautiful, not in that otherworldly, catwalk way but in a minor knock-around key, a blue mood, a slow dance. She is blonde but dark at the roots. She is tall but only with the help of certain shoes. She can be sexy and composed even while naked but only in character. As I said, she is from Australia. To understand her, you should think about what that means.”
What in the actual fuck?! Rich, I don’t know what any of that ramble meant and by adding that last line, it doesn’t make everything you just said ok or coherent! Seriously! “…with the help of the right shoes,” you are far gone and whoever green lit this shit needs to be punched.
If you don’t think it can get any worse too, don’t worry… it does. [Click here to see how.]

Have you heard of the Kurdish women who stayed to fight back against ISIL – The YPJ (in Kurdish – Yekîneyên Parastina Jin, but in English Women’s Defense Units)? They want equality between men and women, and to change the dialogue and perception of women in their culture, while still reminding the world we stand with you in your fight for equality. One woman even stayed as her husband fled to Europe. ::side-eye::
Khloe Thompson of Khloe Kares creates care packages for homeless women and fills them with every day necessities like soap, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, etc. Before HAND delivering them, she places them in a HANDmade bag sewn by her and her great-grandmother.
By the way, she’s only 9.
I know… I’m feeling what you are feeling too. Don’t fight it… let that warm sensation of love and joy overtake you.
Jennifer Aniston, another woman coined “the girl next-door”, blasted tabloids, aggressive paps, and poor journalism in a piece on HuffPo. There honestly isn’t a time I haven’t seen her on the cover of a gossip rag. The first image I remember was of Brad and her, or what I assume was Brad and her as it was so far shot, walking on the beach talking about their imminent divorce. From there it was just floods and floods of, “Jen’s finally pregnant!” or, “Justin and Jen are having a secret wedding and we’ve got the scoop.”
First of all, WHO cares if she’s pregnant? Maybe she doesn’t want kids. Maybe she can’t have kids. Maybe she enjoys being the cool aunt and living her life like it’s golden. I’ve been guilty of following that stuff, until one day it clicked, “I don’t care.” How does what her personal life entail effect my life or the world around us? Is it in any way harming society?
Of course we can form personal opinions off of the persona you put out, what we’ve seen, or even overheard, but I think with all that is going on in the world, we should shift our focus; even just a tad. The overall message with the reactions and comments coming from things like this, is dangerous. Dangerous as it inherently shapes the minds of the women who read it through body image, roles of women in the world, and how we treat each other.
Serena Williams won her TWENTY SECOND Grand Slam Title at Wimbledon. Twenty-two. Twenty-freaking-two. Listen, I don’t think I’ve done anything 22 days in a row [yes, I’m including showering!] let alone compete in something so momentous and WIN. But her achievements still is not enough for online trolls to give credit where credit is due, or even not say anything at all.
Here is Serena reading Still I Rise by Maya Angelou with a montage of her greatness from BBC Sport, reminding us nothing can bring her down.

#BlackLivesMatter founders Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza took it upon themselves to create the movement of the decade [don’t try mentioning #OccupyWallStreet…. There should be a Where are They Now on that] and easily one of the top five movements of the century, after George Zimmerman was not convicted of the murder of Trayvon Martin. It was a call for Black people to no longer sit aside and allow our brothers and sisters to be treated unjustly.
As the movement progressed, so did the groups. Black people and allies of #BlackLivesMatter donated, rallied, protested, took to social media, did and are still doing what can be done to let our chants be heard globally. [I say “Black people who support” because there are many that don’t. They’re probably also voting for Trump…hahaha… just kidding. Not really.]
Without these women, moments like this…
And this…
And this…

And this…
Wouldn’t be happening.
Nike dropped this ad a few days back and it showcases the discipline, strength, power, dedication and beauty within our Indian sisters. Starring national hockey player Rani Rampal, surfer Ishita Malaviya, actress Deepika Padukone, who was a former national badminton player herself, and a slew of like-minded young girls and women showing what they are made of, is a long overdue nod and reflection of the sport world.
Get ready for some feels.
Until the next post of badassery in the female-sphere,