All my contact wearing life, I’ve been pretty ride or die Acuvue. [Actually it started out as Bausch & Lomb then moved over to Acuvue.] Every other brand seemed so sub par in comparison. If you were wearing anything else besides Acuvue, I thought your eye doctor saw you as a easy pawn, and was ripping you off. Or you had some hi-tech eye disease, so you had to get specially made lenses fit only for your eyes. None of that was reality, and has proven to be just one of the many grandiose tales I told myself because I didn’t want to feel like I’d been scammed.
But I was scammed. I was scammed every time I saw an eye doctor and they forced Acuvue upon me. I was scammed every time I reached in their collection of contact brands and they’d swat my hand saying, “No contact for you!” [That’s a Seinfeld Soup Nazi reference for those who are lost.] I was scammed every time I’d print out an Acuvue lens coupon for a one week trial, only to learn in my adult years that most reputable eye doctors just give you that trial pack. Coupons are not necessary. I was scammed because no one ever told me about Alcon DAILIES TOTAL1®.
Now, I’ve never worn Alcon before, so don’t really know what deep, dark secrets their past holds, but I’ve tried them now and the phrase “game changer” is an understatement.
Let’s begin with the not so scientific talk from my experience:
They are insanely thin and sort of gooey. It’s like putting water into your eyes and miraculously being able to see. ::raises arms à la Punxsutawney and shouts “PRAISE HIM!”:: If it hadn’t been for the clear vision, I wouldn’t believe my lenses were in my eyes. Even at night when I remove them, I have to do it with the light on to make sure it’s not in my eyes any longer. Whereas before, I’d could feel as the lenses folded in half as I discarded them in bed, with the lights off.
No irritation after a 12-hour wear. I’ve even slept with them a couple of times and woke up to no protein buildup blurring my sight. It feels like DAILIES TOTAL1® works with my eyes moisture ducts rather than competes with them.
My vision is so crisp, I was so amazed by the sight of One World Trade from 47th street, I stopped to take a photo. Listen, I take photos many places I go. Rarely do I pull a tourist move and snap a photo of a New York trap unless it won’t cause a sidewalk traffic jam. And even then, I live here. I see it. I get it. Photos aren’t needed. But, it was different this time. I could REALLY see it – its magnitude, its beauty, its lines, its structure, its details. I could see her for more than just another NYT, and worth jamming up the sidewalk for a photo.
Now the scientific jargon:
Alcon DAILIES TOTAL1® are the world’s first and only water-gradient contact lenses that provide a smooth-gliding surface of nearly 100 percent water at the outermost surface for up to 16 hours.
They have patented water-gradient technology that provides a cushion of moisture that helps eyes stay comfortable all day long.
These lenses offer 6x more breathability than the leading daily disposable lens.
So why aren’t your doctors prescribing them? Well, it could be a question of cost. When I met with Dr. Cassel to for my fitting, he mentioned a lot of people are turned off by the cost and believe that any brand will work for them. Which we all know isn’t necessarily true. Think about it like this. Your friend who has naturally curly hair similar to yours, started using a product that has turned that frizz bomb into Brazilian Remi ringlets. You, like her, have struggled to find something on the market or concocted in your kitchen, that worked for you, so assumed her miracle item would provide the same results. And to your very disappointed surprise, it doesn’t. You’re out of the money spent, feel like crap because all you want are perfect curls, and secretly super pissed! But there is something out there for you… you just haven’t found it. In this case, your doctor just hasn’t offered it.
Below is an image of Alcon DAILIES TOTAL1® next to my Acuvue DEFINED. They both still held their shape, but the Alcon’s were more malleable and filled with moisture even a day after wear. The DEFINED crunched the day following this photo, while the other lens still easily bent. It actually felt like those clear plastic stickers you peel off of electronic device screens when first purchased. Yeah, that plastic thing that some people don’t ever remove because they think it’s for eternal protection. ::rolling eyes:: UGH!
Just to clarify, I still wear DEFINED due to its enhancing agent, but I don’t wear the rest of their collection any longer. If Alcon created their version of DEFINED in DAILIES TOTAL1® form…. I would never wear Acuvue again. Ever. ::cough cough:: I’ll wait Alcon.
Now it’s your turn to give them a shot. Alcon DAILIES TOTAL1® Contact lenses can only be prescribed by an eye care professional. There are trial pairs available through your doctor, so make sure to signup here for the trial coupon in case your physician doesn’t offer you that sample set, as well as other money saving discounts when ordering.